Testimonials & Links

Anyone local to Whitchurch needs to know that there is a new Chiropractor that is now based in Corser House, Green End, Whitchurch. Mikki Senior is amazing!!! She is a very talented Chiropractor and I would definitely recommend her! Had an amazing appointment with her today. Ok, it was a bit disconcerting when she clicked my neck several time & very loud clicks I hasten to add. However, the improvements I could feel were instant!!!” -Vicky H

“Mikki Senior helped sort out my pelvis which is a long story but the abridged version is that i slipped and did the splits whilst out for a run (As i don’t run very well at the best of times and i definitely can’t do the splits – it wasn’t very pretty. Fortunately there was no one around and i have very stretchy joggers!) She’s really knowledgeable and extremely patient as i asked a heap of questions. And i know its only me that has a thing about comfy couches but just in case you wondered her couch is very comfortable – and i had a nosey at her pregnancy cushions very comfy too!
Mikki puts you at your ease, is knowledgeable and very good at what she does – i highly recommend her.” Isobel H. (Massage Therapist)


General Chiropractic Council: The General Chiropractic Council in a UK-wide statutory body with regulatory powers, established by the Chiropractors Act 1994. It is a criminal offence, liable to prosecution, to describe oneself as a Chiropractor without being registered with the GCC.

Scottish Chiropractic Association: association under the GCC through whom Chiropractors are insured. To be accepted as a member of the Scottish Chiropractic Association, each Chiropractor must have graduated from an approved Chiropractic College / University involving a minimum 4-5 years of full time study. Each member must adhere to the Association’s Code of Practice and any breaches in the Code are thoroughly investigated by the SCA ethics committee. All SCA members are covered by professional indemnity insurance. The Association arranges regular seminars and post-graduate lectures to provide ongoing education for its members.

Benefits of Chiropractic for Children

Chiropractic in Pregnancy Research

Surrogacy UK